Saturday 10 May 2014

Chit Chat

Thought I would do a little catch up post as once again I'm very busy at the moment with end of year projects for university.
So what's been going on recently? Well I've lost my voice somehow. One minute it was perfectly fine, wake up this morning and it's gone missing. Dosing up on the strepsils and solpadeine. 
The end of my first year at university is looming with only a couple of weeks left of working and hand ins to go. It's pretty scary how fast this first year has gone but I've met some amazing new friends and learnt so much that I am very much looking forward to my second as I will also be moving into my first house. Very Excite!
But for now though I have a couple modules to finish off and then another to start from scratch and complete in a week. But like I said in my last chit chat post, I like this kind of stress. It pushes me to do better.
Listening to Panic at the Disco's album Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die to get me through the editing of my images. I'm getting there though. Are any of you in the same situation as me or have you finished already? Let me know, I'd love to read all about what you're up to.
Till next time.
Gemima x


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